庄野 燎
- Ryo Shono -
Development Team Manager
庄野 和
- Kazu Shono -
Web Director
松田 玲音
- Matsuda Reon -
Web Director
Web Directorの松田玲音です。主な業務は開発チームのプロジェクト進行で、タスク管理・修正を担当しています。仕事が円滑に進むよう、丁寧な指示を心がけています。これからのナチュラルの更なる発展に、貢献出来るよう頑張っていきます。
山田 悠晟
- Yamada Yuusei -
Web Director
Web Directorの山田と申します。私は現在、海外にある開発チームの指揮、管理、および修正業務を担当しています。プロジェクトの成功に向けて努力しています。グローバルな環境でのコミュニケーションと協力を重視し、異文化間での円滑な連携を図っています。
河崎 清美
- Kiyomi Kawasaki -
Web Director
柏葉 秀人
- Hideto Kashiba -
若新 雄純
- Yujun Wakashin -
Thoiful Minan
- Thoiful Minan -
3D Designer
Passionate developer creating modern, responsive, user-friendly web apps using various technologies.
Andika Kurniawan
- Andika Kurniawan -
Lead Developer
I lead a team of talented developers who work on building and maintaining websites and apps that solve problems and provide value to our customers.
Marshel Nathanael
- Marshel Nathanael -
Mobile Developer
Passionate to creating mobile applications and enthusiastic to explore new technologies and frameworks to enhance our mobile development capabilities.
Amri Karisma
- Amri Karisma -
Web Developer
Web programmer passionate about crafting elegant solutions for seamless user experiences.
Beni Sopian
- Beni Sopian -
Mobile Developer
I am passionate about creating modern mobile apps and web apps, enthusiastic about learning the latest technologies and frameworks.
Ansori Riza
- Ansori Riza -
Web Developer
Passionate developer creating modern, responsive, user-friendly web apps using various technologies.
Sheth Anh
- Sheth Anh -
Lead Developer
I'm lead team(KH) handle from start to end web projects, coordinate tasks, ensures efficient deliveries, updated on trends for innovative experiences.
Phat Pheak
- Phat Pheak -
Web Developer
I'm web developer and have been involved in the development of POS System. And I enjoy the popular programming language for creating websites.